I don't want to dirty up this amazing site with getting off topic. We've been here for pretty much twelve hours and we've already gotten off topic once. I'm gonna reinstate the suggestion I put forth to help you guys not get off topic here:
Post Counts are important. But not important to where you have to post in EVERY TOPIC when you get on. Post in the ones you have something to say in. This is the biggest source of getting off topic for us.
Another little thing I've noticed is that you guys curse A LOT. Like, so much that it doesn't even mean anything anymore. It's just trashing everything up. I know that there isn't a language filter but please just try to keep it down. I mean, cussing is fine, sure, I'm not completely against it, but you'll find that your thoughts come across a lot clearer when you don't say "fuck" every other word or end everything you say with "Shit balls McGee." If you're not convinced, I leave you with this:
HellFire was originally a RuneScape Clan. It will be one again soon, while we do have clans in other games. RuneScape's chat filter has gotten so immensely thick you can't say the most innocent of cuss words without being blocked. So at least I'm not on your asses about it all the time, and this could be good training for not having to deal with having half your sentence blocked by **********************. I'm sure all of you who've played RuneScape remember how ANNOYING that was.
Those are NOT necessarily rules. Those are suggestions for the sake of my own sanity and for the sake of the site. I mean its' so beautiful, why you gotta look like a tramp?
Now THESE below are things that I WILL be doing to ensure that spam and off topic-ness are cut down, just like on the old site (Note that these are to HELP YOU NOT SOUND LIKE YOU JUST LEARNED ENGLISH FROM A RETARDED MEXICAN):
I WILL delete one word posts. There is no reason you should have a post that says "lol." Not only does that make you sound stupid, it's practically cheating your way to a high post count.
I WILL edit for spelling and grammar, and say that I did so.
I WILL let you know every time you get off topic. I know that makes me look like an ass, believe me I do. But if you don't get off topic, it won't happen. Hooray?
As a final note, I'm going to just say this. It is really simple. Just don't say anything if you don't have something to say that relates to the topic. It is really not that complicated.
I'm not trying to bathe everything in negative light, trust me. I just think it's a more rewarding experience when you use the English language (no matter how weird and convluted it is) as a tool instead of just floundering about with words and pseudo communicating with posts that say "Lol roflmao lets go get on2 a webs1te pls." I'm just asking you guys to give a shit.